About Us


To be a center of excellence for the development of water services using creativity and innovation, human capital and technology.


To be a supreme water company that provides water services to the state of Perlis with excellent customer services at sustainable operations performance that meet customers’ satisfaction.

To provide technical expertise for planning and design purposes of all activities related to water services in Perlis to the Federal and state Government.

Our focus is to achieve customer’s satisfaction and sustainable business.

Mission Statement for Customer Service


Core Values
Our core values are the guiding principles
in achieving BBA’s short and long-term objectives:
Superb level of service to our customers, consumers and the community.
Accountability defines our responsibility for our actions in providing the required services.
Professional service carried out with high level of professionalism.
Teamwork is the key to our success through harmonious working environment by complying with the Standard Operating Procedures.
Environmental responsibility in assisting the State to preserve water resources to sustain our current and future supply.
Innovative in exploring the appropriate solutions to a wide range of challenges in order to improve and meeting internal and external targets.
Syarikat Air Perlis

Organization Chart

Strategic Plan


Obtaining operator’s license from SPAN as required by WSIA.
Creating a favourable and viable commercial environment to sustain water supply services.
Arrangement with PAAB to surrender the relevant water assets and CAPEX liabilities and subsequent leasing of the same assets for operations at a favourable rate.
Preparing accurate water demand and supply schedule to cover all WTP supply areas with 20% margin reserve at any one time
Prioritising holistic NRW reduction program at 6% per year for the first year of corporatisation (2015). With the baseline NRW of 56% in 2014, SAP anticipated it can successfully reduce NRW to estimated 50% in 2015) 45% in 2016 and 40% in 2017. After 2017, NRW will be subsequently reduced by 3% per year to 31% by year 2020.
Reviewing domestic tariff given to government institutions by imposing appropriate tariff at a reasonable rate. Rationalising domestic tariff by broadening the first tier to cater for basic needs.
Achieving full cost recovery in the long term by 2030.
Strategic Plan

Technical Excellence

Completing SAP totally integrated ICT-based applications centre as the backbone of its operations management.
Strengthening core functions such as customer services, NRW management, preventive maintenance and upgrading infrastructure.
Compliance to the technical and performance standard as specified in the regulations, rules and guidelines.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) will be reviewed and enhanced in conjunction with the new licensing regime and to ensure quality services are provided to our customers.
Developing skilled and competent workers through continuous training and certification.
Implementing self-regulated design works approval by a Competent Person for application and approval of new water supply schemes and self-issuance of the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC).
Embarking on operational research programmes through collaboration program with the proposed Malaysian Water Academy and institution of higher learning such as Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) for innovation, knowledge enhancement and operational improvements.
Executing benchmarking periodically – locally and globally.
Establishing culture for innovation and excellence.
Encouraging operations optimisation and reduce wastage/redundancies.
Reengineering and increasing productivity of manpower and resources
Strategic Plan

Corporate Social Responsibility

Contributing towards state and national social development through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.
Sharing responsibility by creating awareness to the public on the importance to ensure sustainable environment through the water conservation program.
Promoting productive water usage practices and reducing wastage among the members of the public.
Keeping abreast with progress of development in the State of Perlis.
Frequent interaction with the public to keep pace with state development.

SAP Call Centre plays an important role as a hub in getting feedbacks as it serves as a communication platform between SAP and the consumers.

Our customers will be given access to the customer information system and as the platform for dissemination of information.

Providing products and services of the highest quality and promoting friendly atmosphere to consumers.
Strategic Plan

Consumers Affair

Water forum will be a platform for the public to provide feedback by raising issues and giving their opinion, reaction and concern on water related development which affects their interest.

Developing water supply crisis contingency or emergency response plan to minimise interruption and fast recovery of water supply.

Tariff review will take into account the affordability and willingness to pay.
Syarikat Air Perlis

Integriti & Governans

Syarikat Air Perlis (SAP) komited untuk mengekalkan piawaian tinggi dalam tadbir urus korporat dalam melaksanakan perkhidmatan bekalan air di seluruh Negeri Perlis. Piawaian tadbir urus korporat yang tinggi memainkan peranan penting terhadap perkembangan, kelestarian, dan kejayaan SAP . Unit Integriti & Governans berperanan sebagai pemangkin utama dalam memupuk budaya integriti melalui pelaksanaan empat (4) fungsi teras: Pengurusan Aduan, Pengesanan & Pengesahan, Pengukuhan Integriti, dan Governans.
Bagi memastikan amalan tadbir urus terbaik diamalkan, integriti dalam setiap kakitangan perlu diperkukuhkan dan dalam masa yang sama menangani isu-isu berkaitan integriti, khususnya melibatkan rasuah, salah laku, dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.